Wednesday, September 30, 2009





Sunday, August 16, 2009


祢創造宇宙萬物 統管一切所有但祢卻關心我的需要 了解我的感受祢手鋪陳天上雲彩 打造永恆國度 但這雙手卻甘心為我 忍受徹骨釘傷苦痛祢公義審判萬民 聖潔光照全地但祢卻一再賜恩典 一再施憐憫 給我機會回轉向祢祢的愛 如此溫柔 超乎我心所想這樣大有能力的主 竟捧我在手心掌上祢的愛 如此深切 我知我無以報答但願倒空我的生命學習祢謙卑的樣式背起我自己的十字架

Saturday, August 15, 2009



Monday, June 29, 2009


她是歌唄 她是亞夢 也是女主角

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hunter and gatherer myths


Four moster are eat people . child of the water say I moust kill this moster

2 This story is my mother's friend look for and e-mile to me.
I wanted to go catch a wolf and so I took my binoculars and my gun… It' s true that my mustache still doesn’t grow, but I have courage and a look that stun.
I stood quietly—ready and prepared, carefully hidden behind a big tree.
All of a sudden I became so scared when a huge wolf jumped right in front of me!
My gun—what a shame!—fell down to the ground, my mean look faded and became shallow…
And the wolf started grinning around
and finally said: “Hi, little fellow”! He also added: “Could I, please, borrow your binoculars until three o’clock?
I would so much like to sit somewhere low
and peacefully watch a joyful bird flock…”
What could I have done? Somehow I took off
my binoculars and put them nearby.
He took them and then just waved and shook off
and said: “Gotta go! Thank you and bye-bye!”
I saw that he put my binoculars around his bold neck and left me to shake…
Then, I heard loud noise that sounded like cars which was quite enough for me to awake.
And it's not important what happened in past or if he intended to trick me and steal.
We will yet to see who's gonna laugh last when I go to hunt—and this time for real.
I think why he dream about hunter? and it is interesting.I think reality and dreamland is very not the same.


Have one moster , he is eat child So the people are scare , they don't have any idear.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


1;My comuter is broken, so I see something video I think difficult.[1998]Paul contribution is vrey cool.Nearby have some video.Igo to see some video.
/talks/einst_the_parrot_talks_and_squawks.htmlein the bard is very great .It know how to sing son, it sing happy birthday to you.I go to see bird know ,and its host give something eat.i think it is gert .maybe tehcher you can see this one.
3 ;
I see the video , It about a dog and cat something. I think the song is good.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Homo erectors

The homo erectus is from Africa and 1.6 million ago. They are evolve.They are hunters ,The women don't like hunters.The women look after children and they are gather fruits.Tools is help they kill animle.They take animal's skintoowe overcoat.I see the next page about Homo erectus from...

Thes inside is very difficul to read.It say people no fire can live are longer.

they Asia and about Home Erectus to compare people now.I see many picture is cool like this


Picture 1;It about the Homo Erectus from .

picture 2;Inside about the fire of how can do something.

picture 3;can think homo erectus look like.